"面对经济震荡,我喜欢用积极乐观的心态在震荡中寻找商机,Try everything,Try all best。凭借这种沉着的心态,我带领的团队以卓越的业绩开疆辟土,先后建立了四个分公司,并将业务拓展至更多成长型的细分行业领域。正所谓沧海横流,方显英雄本色;危难当头,更见智者才华。在任仕达,只要你够努力,就会有发展机会。“
- 江越,任仕达中国华东区区域总监

- Jane Leung,任仕达大中华区学习与发展总监
Often companies say their best asset are its people. Working in Randstad, I have nothing but praise for the people locally and globally. The team is dedicated, sincere, professional, driven and humble all at the same time. Looking around the office, we really embody our company values and what it means to be a Randstadian every day. It is so meaningful to know we are building the business together impacting the lives around us as a team.
Natellie Sun, Managing Director, Randstad Greater China