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      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY350,000 - CNY450,000 per year
      公司介绍:著名日本汽车轮胎品牌。工作职责:  1、负责拓展和运营轮胎零售渠道客户;2、协助重点大型KA客户进行渠道开发、下沉二级客户的销售跟进及维护,实现辅助一级客户售出、售入管理;3、负责下沉渠道客户客情的维护以及客户服务;4、根据公司规划,对部门业绩目标以及经营结果(预算、费用、利润等)负责;5、负责制定渠道年度、月度目标和行动计划的落地实施,确保销售目标的完成。"    任职要求:1、本科及以上学历,市场营销、商务管理、供应链管理等相关专业优先。2、5年以上渠道管理或相关领域的工作经验,有汽车后市场或相关行业背景者优先。3、对于轮胎价格、政策高度熟悉。具有全国轮胎销售渠道客户资源,有成功的渠道开发和管理经验,能够展示以往的业绩成者优先。4、熟悉渠道管理、分销策略和市场推广的相关知识。5、优秀的沟通和谈判能力,能够与各类渠道合作伙伴建立良好的关系。6、优秀的数据分析能力,能够利用数据制定和调整渠道策略。7、具备强烈的责任感和团队合作精神,能在快节奏环境中工作。8、具备解决问题的能力和创新思维,能够快速应
      公司介绍:著名日本汽车轮胎品牌。工作职责:  1、负责拓展和运营轮胎零售渠道客户;2、协助重点大型KA客户进行渠道开发、下沉二级客户的销售跟进及维护,实现辅助一级客户售出、售入管理;3、负责下沉渠道客户客情的维护以及客户服务;4、根据公司规划,对部门业绩目标以及经营结果(预算、费用、利润等)负责;5、负责制定渠道年度、月度目标和行动计划的落地实施,确保销售目标的完成。"    任职要求:1、本科及以上学历,市场营销、商务管理、供应链管理等相关专业优先。2、5年以上渠道管理或相关领域的工作经验,有汽车后市场或相关行业背景者优先。3、对于轮胎价格、政策高度熟悉。具有全国轮胎销售渠道客户资源,有成功的渠道开发和管理经验,能够展示以往的业绩成者优先。4、熟悉渠道管理、分销策略和市场推广的相关知识。5、优秀的沟通和谈判能力,能够与各类渠道合作伙伴建立良好的关系。6、优秀的数据分析能力,能够利用数据制定和调整渠道策略。7、具备强烈的责任感和团队合作精神,能在快节奏环境中工作。8、具备解决问题的能力和创新思维,能够快速应
      • Wuhan, Hubei
      • Permanent
      • CNY700,000 - CNY1,000,000 per year
      公司介绍:国内Top5汽车集团公司,业务涵盖商用车、乘用车、新能源汽车、关键汽车总成和零部件等。年销超400万辆,销售收入超千亿元。 工作职责:1、批准渠道开发规划、渠道建设支持政策及管理办法、渠道硬体和形象标准制定;2、参与经销商招募、现场考察;参加预审会、投资人/总经理面试会,参加品牌渠道发展委员会会议;3、指导意向经销商前期接触、上会后的签约、要素配备、能力提升、导入销售、目标管理、驻店辅导等;4、监督经销商运营风险评价体系建设、完善及改善管理,批准经销商二网模式创新;5、审核神秘客项目招标、入店调研、价格检核等项目执行方案确定;6、审核渠道收益分析、盈利监控与提升,审核部门预算管控,经销商硬体补贴及相关费用,批准年度商务大会方案;7、批准根据经销商需求、市场变化及竞品动态规划制定培训方案;8、审核培训方法的研究及改进实施,审核内部员工能力提升计划制订、经销商销售战力提升计划制定。工作要求:1、大学本科及以上学历,40周岁以内,汽车工程、汽车营销类相关专业优先;2、新能源背景主机厂同岗位任职经验或者主
      公司介绍:国内Top5汽车集团公司,业务涵盖商用车、乘用车、新能源汽车、关键汽车总成和零部件等。年销超400万辆,销售收入超千亿元。 工作职责:1、批准渠道开发规划、渠道建设支持政策及管理办法、渠道硬体和形象标准制定;2、参与经销商招募、现场考察;参加预审会、投资人/总经理面试会,参加品牌渠道发展委员会会议;3、指导意向经销商前期接触、上会后的签约、要素配备、能力提升、导入销售、目标管理、驻店辅导等;4、监督经销商运营风险评价体系建设、完善及改善管理,批准经销商二网模式创新;5、审核神秘客项目招标、入店调研、价格检核等项目执行方案确定;6、审核渠道收益分析、盈利监控与提升,审核部门预算管控,经销商硬体补贴及相关费用,批准年度商务大会方案;7、批准根据经销商需求、市场变化及竞品动态规划制定培训方案;8、审核培训方法的研究及改进实施,审核内部员工能力提升计划制订、经销商销售战力提升计划制定。工作要求:1、大学本科及以上学历,40周岁以内,汽车工程、汽车营销类相关专业优先;2、新能源背景主机厂同岗位任职经验或者主
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY400,000 - CNY500,000 per year
      about the company.这是一家民营汽车零部件公司,主要生产汽车电子件about the team.替代岗,汇报销售副总,带5人的团队about the job.领导和管理销售团队,制定并执行销售计划,确保团队目标的达成。发展和维护客户关系,识别新的业务机会,提升市场份额。提供团队成员的指导和培训,提升团队整体销售能力。协调内部资源,确保客户需求得到及时响应和解决。分析市场趋势和竞争对手动态,提出市场策略建议。组织和参与产品推广活动,提升公司品牌知名度。定期汇报团队销售进展,分析销售数据,优化销售策略。skills and experience required.本科及以上学历,电子工程、机械工程、市场营销等相关专业。5年以上销售经验,其中至少2年团队管理经验,有新能源汽车行业经验者优先。优秀的领导能力和沟通技巧,能够激励和指导团队成员。熟悉新能源汽车电子件的相关技术和市场,有丰富的客户资源者优先。具备较强的战略思维和解决问题的能力,能够快速适应市场变化。
      about the company.这是一家民营汽车零部件公司,主要生产汽车电子件about the team.替代岗,汇报销售副总,带5人的团队about the job.领导和管理销售团队,制定并执行销售计划,确保团队目标的达成。发展和维护客户关系,识别新的业务机会,提升市场份额。提供团队成员的指导和培训,提升团队整体销售能力。协调内部资源,确保客户需求得到及时响应和解决。分析市场趋势和竞争对手动态,提出市场策略建议。组织和参与产品推广活动,提升公司品牌知名度。定期汇报团队销售进展,分析销售数据,优化销售策略。skills and experience required.本科及以上学历,电子工程、机械工程、市场营销等相关专业。5年以上销售经验,其中至少2年团队管理经验,有新能源汽车行业经验者优先。优秀的领导能力和沟通技巧,能够激励和指导团队成员。熟悉新能源汽车电子件的相关技术和市场,有丰富的客户资源者优先。具备较强的战略思维和解决问题的能力,能够快速适应市场变化。
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY192,000 - CNY216,000 per year
      岗位职责:1.在公司总经营方针、组织架构下,领导营销团队完成酒店式公寓、办公楼租赁各类指标的制定、执行。2.制定营销策略(产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略)及计划,并根据市场以及中介公司提供的市场数据及市场变化需求及时作出调整方案。调研储备目标客户资源,建立公司业务信息库;3.负责渠道开拓和管理,维护政府、中介机构关系,建立有效沟通机制。管理和监督市场费用使用情况,做好成本控制。4.主持营销部日常工作,进行部门内资源及工作安排、划分,协助解决疑难问题。5.定期及不定期对重要客户进行拜访维护,及时了解及处理问题,保证客户粘性。6.定期进行市场调研及需求分析,研究同行、业内发展状况,进行市场预测及情报分析,为公司决策提供依据。任职要求:1.5年以上行业工作经验,3年以上相应房地产营销岗位工作经验,有与客户服务、资产管理以及家政服务部门协同工作的经验优先; 2.熟悉办公楼、酒店式公寓方面的招租和营销方面的策略及操作模式,且针对国内外客户有完成销售目标和获得高价值租赁订单的良好业绩记录3.熟悉一手房销售操作流
      岗位职责:1.在公司总经营方针、组织架构下,领导营销团队完成酒店式公寓、办公楼租赁各类指标的制定、执行。2.制定营销策略(产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略)及计划,并根据市场以及中介公司提供的市场数据及市场变化需求及时作出调整方案。调研储备目标客户资源,建立公司业务信息库;3.负责渠道开拓和管理,维护政府、中介机构关系,建立有效沟通机制。管理和监督市场费用使用情况,做好成本控制。4.主持营销部日常工作,进行部门内资源及工作安排、划分,协助解决疑难问题。5.定期及不定期对重要客户进行拜访维护,及时了解及处理问题,保证客户粘性。6.定期进行市场调研及需求分析,研究同行、业内发展状况,进行市场预测及情报分析,为公司决策提供依据。任职要求:1.5年以上行业工作经验,3年以上相应房地产营销岗位工作经验,有与客户服务、资产管理以及家政服务部门协同工作的经验优先; 2.熟悉办公楼、酒店式公寓方面的招租和营销方面的策略及操作模式,且针对国内外客户有完成销售目标和获得高价值租赁订单的良好业绩记录3.熟悉一手房销售操作流
      • Guangzhou, Guangdong
      • Permanent
      • CNY800,000 - CNY1,000,000 per year
      关于公司.某医疗行业上市公司 关于团队.4-5人 工作职责.1、负责赋能医院项目的推动,例如手术室工程设备、大型影像类设备、手术室无尘及装修项目、外科设备/高低质耗材、医疗信息软件等;2、 负责把完整的合作方案介绍给医院领导及合作分销商,并保持良好关系;3、 为制定年度预算及销售预测提供意见;4、 掌握辖区内渠道信息动态,建立覆盖全辖区渠道网络;5、 安排辖区内市场推广活动;6、 达成辖区业务指标;7、参与公司销售策略的制定,将公司销售策略在区域执行;8、承接公司指派的其他任务。 任职资格:1、35-45岁,职业形象良好;2、学历为统招一本及以上;3、8年以上医疗行业(大型影像类设备、手术室无尘及装修项目、外科设备/高低质耗材、医疗信息软件等)原厂销售经验,且目前负责大区及以上层级业务;4、职业发展向上,具有公司内部晋升记录;5、过往工作经历稳定,每段至少超过3年。
      关于公司.某医疗行业上市公司 关于团队.4-5人 工作职责.1、负责赋能医院项目的推动,例如手术室工程设备、大型影像类设备、手术室无尘及装修项目、外科设备/高低质耗材、医疗信息软件等;2、 负责把完整的合作方案介绍给医院领导及合作分销商,并保持良好关系;3、 为制定年度预算及销售预测提供意见;4、 掌握辖区内渠道信息动态,建立覆盖全辖区渠道网络;5、 安排辖区内市场推广活动;6、 达成辖区业务指标;7、参与公司销售策略的制定,将公司销售策略在区域执行;8、承接公司指派的其他任务。 任职资格:1、35-45岁,职业形象良好;2、学历为统招一本及以上;3、8年以上医疗行业(大型影像类设备、手术室无尘及装修项目、外科设备/高低质耗材、医疗信息软件等)原厂销售经验,且目前负责大区及以上层级业务;4、职业发展向上,具有公司内部晋升记录;5、过往工作经历稳定,每段至少超过3年。
      • Wuxi, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY180,000 - CNY300,000 per year
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY600,000 - CNY800,000 per year
      about the company.this is a foreign manufacturing company whose core product is transmission components, and it has a plant in Suzhou.about the open, report to the commercial head.about the job.Identify and evaluate potential new industry markets for our transmission components.Conduct thorough market research and competitive analysis to understand market dynamics, customer needs, and potential opportunities.Develop and implement comprehensive bus
      about the company.this is a foreign manufacturing company whose core product is transmission components, and it has a plant in Suzhou.about the open, report to the commercial head.about the job.Identify and evaluate potential new industry markets for our transmission components.Conduct thorough market research and competitive analysis to understand market dynamics, customer needs, and potential opportunities.Develop and implement comprehensive bus
      • Wuhan, Hubei
      • Permanent
      • CNY300,000 - CNY500,000 per year
      公司介绍:国内Top 5汽车公司,业务涵盖商用车,乘用车,新能源汽车和关键汽车总和零部件等。年销超400万辆,销售收入超千亿元。工作职责1、根据需求大区年度目标分解和行动计划,完成大区下达的销量和利润目标,在区域市场常驻,维护经销商关系,督导经销商开展市场营销活动,定期对区域市场销售情况进行分析,提出改进方向;2、提交网络营销活动方案预算并完成结算,制定经销商年度BP协议和督导实施;3、收集、分析并定期反馈非洲市场数据信息;4、事前分析营销业务风险,事中管控风险发生,事后有效处理风险,防止类似风险再发生;5、完成上级领导临时交办的任务。工作要求1、本科及以上学历,理工科、经济、管理类专业;2、3年以上工作经验;3、熟练商务英语;熟练运用OFFICE办公软件;了解财务管理;掌握市场分析方法;掌握国家汽车产业政策及汽车强制性法规标准等相关规定;4、具有商务谈判、团队沟通、风险识别和管控、跨文化及环境适应的能力。
      公司介绍:国内Top 5汽车公司,业务涵盖商用车,乘用车,新能源汽车和关键汽车总和零部件等。年销超400万辆,销售收入超千亿元。工作职责1、根据需求大区年度目标分解和行动计划,完成大区下达的销量和利润目标,在区域市场常驻,维护经销商关系,督导经销商开展市场营销活动,定期对区域市场销售情况进行分析,提出改进方向;2、提交网络营销活动方案预算并完成结算,制定经销商年度BP协议和督导实施;3、收集、分析并定期反馈非洲市场数据信息;4、事前分析营销业务风险,事中管控风险发生,事后有效处理风险,防止类似风险再发生;5、完成上级领导临时交办的任务。工作要求1、本科及以上学历,理工科、经济、管理类专业;2、3年以上工作经验;3、熟练商务英语;熟练运用OFFICE办公软件;了解财务管理;掌握市场分析方法;掌握国家汽车产业政策及汽车强制性法规标准等相关规定;4、具有商务谈判、团队沟通、风险识别和管控、跨文化及环境适应的能力。
      • Wuhan, Hubei
      • Permanent
      • CNY300,000 - CNY500,000 per year
      公司介绍:国内Top 5汽车公司,业务涵盖商用车,乘用车,新能源汽车和关键汽车总和零部件等。年销超400万辆,销售收入超千亿元。工作职责1、负责区域的销量、网络规划、开发及售后服务网络;2、完成负责区域年度销量目标;3、负责订单录入、执行及跟踪;4、负责信息反馈(car-flow,年度BP,竞品调查);5、根据目标国法规协助推进认证工作;6、分析目标市场并导入合适商品;7、按照年度季度收集广宣计划及对实施情况总结反馈;8、完成区域总监交办的各项专项任务及上级交办的其他工作。工作要求1、本科及以上学历,国际经济与贸易、市场营销、国际金融、汽车等相关专业,能力出众者可适当放宽要求;2、掌握经济学、国际贸易、金融学、汽车等方面理论知识和基本技能,了解当代国际经济贸易的发展现状,熟悉通行的国际贸易规则和惯例,以及中国对外贸易的政策法规,了解目标国家与地区的社会经济情况,并能独立完成目标市场汽车行业竞争态势分析;3、具备国际贸易业务处理能力,能够独立或团队合作形式完成商务谈判、交易磋商、单证处理等等一系列外贸交易过程
      公司介绍:国内Top 5汽车公司,业务涵盖商用车,乘用车,新能源汽车和关键汽车总和零部件等。年销超400万辆,销售收入超千亿元。工作职责1、负责区域的销量、网络规划、开发及售后服务网络;2、完成负责区域年度销量目标;3、负责订单录入、执行及跟踪;4、负责信息反馈(car-flow,年度BP,竞品调查);5、根据目标国法规协助推进认证工作;6、分析目标市场并导入合适商品;7、按照年度季度收集广宣计划及对实施情况总结反馈;8、完成区域总监交办的各项专项任务及上级交办的其他工作。工作要求1、本科及以上学历,国际经济与贸易、市场营销、国际金融、汽车等相关专业,能力出众者可适当放宽要求;2、掌握经济学、国际贸易、金融学、汽车等方面理论知识和基本技能,了解当代国际经济贸易的发展现状,熟悉通行的国际贸易规则和惯例,以及中国对外贸易的政策法规,了解目标国家与地区的社会经济情况,并能独立完成目标市场汽车行业竞争态势分析;3、具备国际贸易业务处理能力,能够独立或团队合作形式完成商务谈判、交易磋商、单证处理等等一系列外贸交易过程
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY500,000 - CNY650,000 per year
      about the company.This is a foreign company whose core product is a welding machine.about the team.replacementabout the job.Develop and maintain strong relationships with key clients in the welding industry to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.Identify and pursue new business opportunities within existing accounts to drive growth and expand market share.Collaborate with internal teams, including sales, marketing, and product development, to deliver
      about the company.This is a foreign company whose core product is a welding machine.about the team.replacementabout the job.Develop and maintain strong relationships with key clients in the welding industry to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.Identify and pursue new business opportunities within existing accounts to drive growth and expand market share.Collaborate with internal teams, including sales, marketing, and product development, to deliver
      • Wuxi, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY300,000 - CNY500,000 per year
      about the company.大型上市民企机械设备制造商about the job.结合年度经营规划以及市场行情,分解年度销售目标及制定市场策略;根据公司发展计划及市场,调整销售报价和策略;维护现有交易客户资源,与客户建立和保持长期良好的合作关系;负责指导开拓市场的渠道和目标客户的开发,完成团队的销售任务和目标;监控货款管理,消除坏账,完成货款指标;人才梯队搭建和培养,提高下属的业务能力和客户管理水平;制定人才激励方案,平衡内部业绩指标和任务分配。skills and experience required.本科以上学历,新能源方向的销售或技术经验优先;三年以上系统性销售团队管理经验,非标自动化、粉体设备行业经验优先;具备优秀的组织能力、沟通能力、规划能力;善于学习总结,性格开朗,诚实可靠,团队协作良好。
      about the company.大型上市民企机械设备制造商about the job.结合年度经营规划以及市场行情,分解年度销售目标及制定市场策略;根据公司发展计划及市场,调整销售报价和策略;维护现有交易客户资源,与客户建立和保持长期良好的合作关系;负责指导开拓市场的渠道和目标客户的开发,完成团队的销售任务和目标;监控货款管理,消除坏账,完成货款指标;人才梯队搭建和培养,提高下属的业务能力和客户管理水平;制定人才激励方案,平衡内部业绩指标和任务分配。skills and experience required.本科以上学历,新能源方向的销售或技术经验优先;三年以上系统性销售团队管理经验,非标自动化、粉体设备行业经验优先;具备优秀的组织能力、沟通能力、规划能力;善于学习总结,性格开朗,诚实可靠,团队协作良好。
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY400,000 - CNY450,000 per year
      about the company.European machinery and equipment manufacturerabout the job.Proactively work with the MW (Municipal Water) China senior management and in accordance with the agreed company strategy to continuously develop the designated area making timely recommendations for improvements and highlighting growth opportunities.Proactivity work to develop a strong team of sales engineers in the designated area by clear leadership, continuous development and
      about the company.European machinery and equipment manufacturerabout the job.Proactively work with the MW (Municipal Water) China senior management and in accordance with the agreed company strategy to continuously develop the designated area making timely recommendations for improvements and highlighting growth opportunities.Proactivity work to develop a strong team of sales engineers in the designated area by clear leadership, continuous development and
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY360,000 - CNY480,000 per year
      工作职责:1. 负责公司在Facebook, Instagram和TikTok等社交媒体平台上的广告投放策略规划与执行,确保各项指标达到预期目标。2. 进行市场和竞争对手分析,基于数据分析制定和优化投放策略。3. 管理和优化广告预算,实时监控广告效果,及时调整策略以最大化ROI。4. 创意素材和广告文案的策划与制作,与设计团队密切合作,确保内容吸引并符合目标受众的兴趣。5. 跟踪最新的社交媒体趋势,分析数据,提出改进建议,不断提高广告投放效果。6. 准备定期的广告投放报告,包括但不限于性能分析、收益率分析以及未来计划的建议。任职要求:1. 具备3年以上Facebook/Instagram/Google/TikTok或其他社交媒体平台广告投放经验。2. 熟悉社交媒体平台的营销策略、广告产品和监控工具。3. 具备良好的市场分析、数据分析能力和创意思维。4. 优秀的沟通能力和团队合作精神。
      工作职责:1. 负责公司在Facebook, Instagram和TikTok等社交媒体平台上的广告投放策略规划与执行,确保各项指标达到预期目标。2. 进行市场和竞争对手分析,基于数据分析制定和优化投放策略。3. 管理和优化广告预算,实时监控广告效果,及时调整策略以最大化ROI。4. 创意素材和广告文案的策划与制作,与设计团队密切合作,确保内容吸引并符合目标受众的兴趣。5. 跟踪最新的社交媒体趋势,分析数据,提出改进建议,不断提高广告投放效果。6. 准备定期的广告投放报告,包括但不限于性能分析、收益率分析以及未来计划的建议。任职要求:1. 具备3年以上Facebook/Instagram/Google/TikTok或其他社交媒体平台广告投放经验。2. 熟悉社交媒体平台的营销策略、广告产品和监控工具。3. 具备良好的市场分析、数据分析能力和创意思维。4. 优秀的沟通能力和团队合作精神。
      • Shenzhen, Guangdong
      • Permanent
      • CNY400,000 - CNY600,000 per year
      about the company.Chinese  brand go globalabout the team.E-commerce Teamabout the job.1.  Responsible for developing the operation and marketing strategy of TikTok, achieving sales target;2. Responsible for the channel’s business development, including Live Broadcast, Digital, User  Operation and Commodity Operation;3. Develop brand marketing strategies and new products’ launch plan, improving brand exposure and reputation on European and American markets;
      about the company.Chinese  brand go globalabout the team.E-commerce Teamabout the job.1.  Responsible for developing the operation and marketing strategy of TikTok, achieving sales target;2. Responsible for the channel’s business development, including Live Broadcast, Digital, User  Operation and Commodity Operation;3. Develop brand marketing strategies and new products’ launch plan, improving brand exposure and reputation on European and American markets;
      • Jiaxing, Zhejiang
      • Permanent
      • CNY300,000 - CNY450,000 per year
      Company Introduction:Well-known private auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product sales to Auto OEM/Tier1 customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:Full-time bachelor degree or above, under 45 years
      Company Introduction:Well-known private auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product sales to Auto OEM/Tier1 customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:Full-time bachelor degree or above, under 45 years
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY300,000 - CNY450,000 per year
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product sales to Auto OEM customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:Bachelor degree or aboveHave more than 3 ye
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product sales to Auto OEM customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:Bachelor degree or aboveHave more than 3 ye
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY400,000 - CNY500,000 per year
      公司介绍:国内Top 5汽车公司,业务涵盖商用车,乘用车,新能源汽车和关键汽车总和零部件等。年销超400万辆,销售收入超千亿元。工作职责:1.经销商组织架构的设计与优化;2.经销商(关键)岗位人员配备情况的监控;3.经销商学习/交流平台、技能展示/比拼平台的搭建。工作要求:1.3年以上汽车行业工作经验;2.了解汽车营销领域,熟悉经销商运营管理,有汽车行业培训管理经验;3有良好的企划和报告能力,熟练使用offce办公软件;4.工作仔细认真,执行能力强,有良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力;5能独立授课优先。
      公司介绍:国内Top 5汽车公司,业务涵盖商用车,乘用车,新能源汽车和关键汽车总和零部件等。年销超400万辆,销售收入超千亿元。工作职责:1.经销商组织架构的设计与优化;2.经销商(关键)岗位人员配备情况的监控;3.经销商学习/交流平台、技能展示/比拼平台的搭建。工作要求:1.3年以上汽车行业工作经验;2.了解汽车营销领域,熟悉经销商运营管理,有汽车行业培训管理经验;3有良好的企划和报告能力,熟练使用offce办公软件;4.工作仔细认真,执行能力强,有良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力;5能独立授课优先。
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY400,000 - CNY500,000 per year
      公司介绍:国内Top 5汽车公司,业务涵盖商用车,乘用车,新能源汽车和关键汽车总和零部件等。年销超400万辆,销售收入超千亿元。工作职责1、区域经销商巡视检核;2、区域经销商培训指导;3、区域经销商服务指标达成促进;4、推进服务政策、标准在经销商执行落实;5、区域经销商服务相关问题的协调解决。工作要求1、本科及以上学历,40周岁以内,3年以上相关工作经验;2、具有主机厂服务企划、服务管理、区域管理相关工作经验,或者具有新能源经销商服务管理相关工作经验;具有新能源主机厂相关工作经验者优先;3、熟练使用常用办公软件(PPT\EXCEL\WORD等);4、沟通能力强,抗压能力强;5、能适应长期出差。
      公司介绍:国内Top 5汽车公司,业务涵盖商用车,乘用车,新能源汽车和关键汽车总和零部件等。年销超400万辆,销售收入超千亿元。工作职责1、区域经销商巡视检核;2、区域经销商培训指导;3、区域经销商服务指标达成促进;4、推进服务政策、标准在经销商执行落实;5、区域经销商服务相关问题的协调解决。工作要求1、本科及以上学历,40周岁以内,3年以上相关工作经验;2、具有主机厂服务企划、服务管理、区域管理相关工作经验,或者具有新能源经销商服务管理相关工作经验;具有新能源主机厂相关工作经验者优先;3、熟练使用常用办公软件(PPT\EXCEL\WORD等);4、沟通能力强,抗压能力强;5、能适应长期出差。
      • Beijing, Beijing
      • Permanent
      • CNY360,000 - CNY600,000 per year
      about the company.Our client is specialized in outbound E-commerce company with newly developed business.about the team.Company size: 200+ pplabout the job.We are hiring a Head of Business to help expand and develop the new business.1. Deeply understand the e-commerce market with solid knowledge in Tiktok, Shopee and main stream e-commerce platform2. Have experience of starting up a company or doing e-commerce project from scratch3. Have experience in mana
      about the company.Our client is specialized in outbound E-commerce company with newly developed business.about the team.Company size: 200+ pplabout the job.We are hiring a Head of Business to help expand and develop the new business.1. Deeply understand the e-commerce market with solid knowledge in Tiktok, Shopee and main stream e-commerce platform2. Have experience of starting up a company or doing e-commerce project from scratch3. Have experience in mana
      • Guangzhou, Guangdong
      • Permanent
      • CNY600,000 - CNY840,000 per year
      • Guangzhou, Guangdong
      • Permanent
      • CNY720,000 - CNY960,000 per year
      about the company.The company is Well-known maternal and child products company. It's business cover Asia countries with office in Tokyo, Hongkong, and Guangzhou. about the team.The team is about 10 person for new product line. online and offline sales. about the job.The Business Development Director is responsible for identifying, developing, and closing new business opportunities, with a focus on expanding beyond our current core offerings and markets. T
      about the company.The company is Well-known maternal and child products company. It's business cover Asia countries with office in Tokyo, Hongkong, and Guangzhou. about the team.The team is about 10 person for new product line. online and offline sales. about the job.The Business Development Director is responsible for identifying, developing, and closing new business opportunities, with a focus on expanding beyond our current core offerings and markets. T
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY300,000 - CNY500,000 per year
      about the company.Austrian wholly-owned new material companyabout the job.Maintain and further develop Key Account customer base assigned to him / her, including frequent visits, accompany projects, knowing all functions in customer's organization, etc.Learn about how exactly each customer works and how we can help them best=>Create value for customersBe responsible for the business in assigned area: Part of Jiangsu province, Anhui, Henan,Shandong province
      about the company.Austrian wholly-owned new material companyabout the job.Maintain and further develop Key Account customer base assigned to him / her, including frequent visits, accompany projects, knowing all functions in customer's organization, etc.Learn about how exactly each customer works and how we can help them best=>Create value for customersBe responsible for the business in assigned area: Part of Jiangsu province, Anhui, Henan,Shandong province
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY138,000 - CNY207,000 per year
      about the company.Renowned European equipment manufacturing companyabout the job.Provide technical support to sales units before orders enter factory.Provide technical support to service/spare parts inquiries and site support.Provide technical support to other functions within factorySupport technical inquiries/questions of sales before/during project bidding period Support of service/spare part inquiries Be responsible of technical documents management fo
      about the company.Renowned European equipment manufacturing companyabout the job.Provide technical support to sales units before orders enter factory.Provide technical support to service/spare parts inquiries and site support.Provide technical support to other functions within factorySupport technical inquiries/questions of sales before/during project bidding period Support of service/spare part inquiries Be responsible of technical documents management fo
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY420,000 - CNY480,000 per year
      about the company.A Multinational foreign company, with a history of a few decades. The company is known as one of the largest food and beverage specialist. Currently, they would like to expand their online business, and seek for a Route to Market Manager to support their overall business.about the team.You will report to the sales department leader, and work closely with different internal team accordingly. about the job.Sales Channel Management: Develop
      about the company.A Multinational foreign company, with a history of a few decades. The company is known as one of the largest food and beverage specialist. Currently, they would like to expand their online business, and seek for a Route to Market Manager to support their overall business.about the team.You will report to the sales department leader, and work closely with different internal team accordingly. about the job.Sales Channel Management: Develop
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY800,000 - CNY1,000,000 per year
      about the company.My client is from the exhibition industry, specializing in organizing world-class trade shows and events across various industries.about the job.- Develop and implement effective sales strategies to achieve revenue targets and maximize exhibition space sales.- Lead, mentor, and manage the sales team to ensure high performance and professional development.- Build and maintain strong relationships with key clients, exhibitors, sponsors, and
      about the company.My client is from the exhibition industry, specializing in organizing world-class trade shows and events across various industries.about the job.- Develop and implement effective sales strategies to achieve revenue targets and maximize exhibition space sales.- Lead, mentor, and manage the sales team to ensure high performance and professional development.- Build and maintain strong relationships with key clients, exhibitors, sponsors, and
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY900,000 - CNY1,200,000 per year
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY180,000 - CNY300,000 per year
      Company Introduction:Well-known Private auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product sales to Auto PC OEM customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:Bachelor degree or aboveHave more than 5 years of work
      Company Introduction:Well-known Private auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product sales to Auto PC OEM customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:Bachelor degree or aboveHave more than 5 years of work
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY240,000 - CNY360,000 per year
      about the company.This is a high-tech company with a factory in Suzhou, and its core product is consumer electronics.about the team.New Openabout the job.Develop and implement strategic sales plans to achieve sales targets and expand market share in the assigned region.Lead, manage, and motivate a high-performing sales team, providing coaching, training, and performance feedback.Build and maintain strong relationships with key customers, distributors, and
      about the company.This is a high-tech company with a factory in Suzhou, and its core product is consumer electronics.about the team.New Openabout the job.Develop and implement strategic sales plans to achieve sales targets and expand market share in the assigned region.Lead, manage, and motivate a high-performing sales team, providing coaching, training, and performance feedback.Build and maintain strong relationships with key customers, distributors, and
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY900,000 - CNY1,200,000 per year
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY1,000,000 - CNY1,200,000 per year
      The Business Planning Associate Director plays a pivotal role in driving the company's strategic direction and growth. This position is responsible for leading the development and implementation of comprehensive business plans, conducting market analysis, and providing strategic recommendations to achieve company objectives.Key Responsibilities:Strategic Planning:Develop and maintain comprehensive business plans that align with the company's long-term stra
      The Business Planning Associate Director plays a pivotal role in driving the company's strategic direction and growth. This position is responsible for leading the development and implementation of comprehensive business plans, conducting market analysis, and providing strategic recommendations to achieve company objectives.Key Responsibilities:Strategic Planning:Develop and maintain comprehensive business plans that align with the company's long-term stra
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