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      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY720,000 - CNY1,080,000 per year
      about the company.这是一家大型民营电气设备公司,客户行业为输配电行业about the team.团队下属20+销售about the job.制定和执行销售战略,确保与公司整体目标一致。领导销售团队,提供指导和支持,以实现销售目标。分析市场趋势和竞争对手,识别新的商业机会。建立和维护与关键客户的关系,确保客户满意度。监控销售业绩,制定改进计划以提高销售效率。参与预算编制和销售预测,确保资源的有效分配。组织销售培训和团队建设活动,提升团队能力。skills and experience required.本科及以上学历,市场营销、商务管理等相关专业优先。10年以上销售管理经验,至少3年在相关行业的销售总监职位。优秀的领导能力和团队管理经验。出色的沟通能力和人际交往能力。强烈的结果导向和客户导向意识。熟悉市场分析和销售策略的制定。能够承受工作压力,适应快节奏的工作环境。
      about the company.这是一家大型民营电气设备公司,客户行业为输配电行业about the team.团队下属20+销售about the job.制定和执行销售战略,确保与公司整体目标一致。领导销售团队,提供指导和支持,以实现销售目标。分析市场趋势和竞争对手,识别新的商业机会。建立和维护与关键客户的关系,确保客户满意度。监控销售业绩,制定改进计划以提高销售效率。参与预算编制和销售预测,确保资源的有效分配。组织销售培训和团队建设活动,提升团队能力。skills and experience required.本科及以上学历,市场营销、商务管理等相关专业优先。10年以上销售管理经验,至少3年在相关行业的销售总监职位。优秀的领导能力和团队管理经验。出色的沟通能力和人际交往能力。强烈的结果导向和客户导向意识。熟悉市场分析和销售策略的制定。能够承受工作压力,适应快节奏的工作环境。
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY480,000 - CNY720,000 per year
      关于公司:一家综合性物流服务提供商,提供包括空运进出口、海运整箱、拼箱、跨境电商头程、空运、进口、报关、仓储、配送、危险品运输、大件散杂、工程物流、报关和国际贸易等服务。国际的服务覆盖全球200多个国家和地区,货物送达至20,000多个目的地,并在全球拥有多家分支机构关于团队:可带自己团队工作职责:1.有5年以上海外销售经验,,有海外客户和代理资源者优先。2.根据集团战略方针,制定、实施公司年度经营计划,发展公司业务,维护好 客户的基础上,搭建并优化危险品操作平台,扩大产品广度,带领公司各部门完成年度业务指标3.为人正直,抗压力强,能够吃苦耐劳,富有团队精神。4.思维敏捷,有较强的语言表达能力和沟通能力。5.有正确的价值观,愿意和公司一起发展,敢于挑战销售类类职位高薪。职责需求:1 有相关销售或者管理经验皆可2 大专以上学历,从事货运行业至少 10 年工作经验,3  英文听说读写,;4 精通各项办公软件,熟练使用 Office 办公软件; • 具备较强的市场分析、营销推广能力,良好的人际沟通、协调能力,分析
      关于公司:一家综合性物流服务提供商,提供包括空运进出口、海运整箱、拼箱、跨境电商头程、空运、进口、报关、仓储、配送、危险品运输、大件散杂、工程物流、报关和国际贸易等服务。国际的服务覆盖全球200多个国家和地区,货物送达至20,000多个目的地,并在全球拥有多家分支机构关于团队:可带自己团队工作职责:1.有5年以上海外销售经验,,有海外客户和代理资源者优先。2.根据集团战略方针,制定、实施公司年度经营计划,发展公司业务,维护好 客户的基础上,搭建并优化危险品操作平台,扩大产品广度,带领公司各部门完成年度业务指标3.为人正直,抗压力强,能够吃苦耐劳,富有团队精神。4.思维敏捷,有较强的语言表达能力和沟通能力。5.有正确的价值观,愿意和公司一起发展,敢于挑战销售类类职位高薪。职责需求:1 有相关销售或者管理经验皆可2 大专以上学历,从事货运行业至少 10 年工作经验,3  英文听说读写,;4 精通各项办公软件,熟练使用 Office 办公软件; • 具备较强的市场分析、营销推广能力,良好的人际沟通、协调能力,分析
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY480,000 - CNY720,000 per year
      关于公司:一家综合性物流服务提供商,提供包括空运进出口、海运整箱、拼箱、跨境电商头程、空运、进口、报关、仓储、配送、危险品运输、大件散杂、工程物流、报关和国际贸易等服务。国际的服务覆盖全球200多个国家和地区,货物送达至20,000多个目的地,并在全球拥有多家分支机构关于团队:目前团队100人左右工作职责:1. 洞察行业趋势和需求,获取新的进口物流需求;2. 协同内部相关团队为品牌客户制定跨境及一般贸易进口全链路物流和供应链解决方案;3. 负责品牌客户的的商务谈判、定价策略、落地执行和回款。职责需求:1. 具有敏锐的市场洞察力和准确的客户分析能力;擅长开拓市场,并与潜在客户建立良好的客情关系;2. 较资深的物流行业经验和合同物流领域解决方案专业度,至少5年以上相关经验;3. 较强的业务推动力和跨团队跨职能的沟通协调能力。
      关于公司:一家综合性物流服务提供商,提供包括空运进出口、海运整箱、拼箱、跨境电商头程、空运、进口、报关、仓储、配送、危险品运输、大件散杂、工程物流、报关和国际贸易等服务。国际的服务覆盖全球200多个国家和地区,货物送达至20,000多个目的地,并在全球拥有多家分支机构关于团队:目前团队100人左右工作职责:1. 洞察行业趋势和需求,获取新的进口物流需求;2. 协同内部相关团队为品牌客户制定跨境及一般贸易进口全链路物流和供应链解决方案;3. 负责品牌客户的的商务谈判、定价策略、落地执行和回款。职责需求:1. 具有敏锐的市场洞察力和准确的客户分析能力;擅长开拓市场,并与潜在客户建立良好的客情关系;2. 较资深的物流行业经验和合同物流领域解决方案专业度,至少5年以上相关经验;3. 较强的业务推动力和跨团队跨职能的沟通协调能力。
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY540,000 - CNY780,000 per year
      about the company.Multinational Foreign Company, with a history of a few decades, has a presence in China for a long run. They have a good reputation and business development Global wise, currently they have a clear strategy in China, and looking for a China Commercial Manager to lead their business.about the team.You will directly report to the Emerging Market Director, and lead a team in the near future. This is an international team with a great diversi
      about the company.Multinational Foreign Company, with a history of a few decades, has a presence in China for a long run. They have a good reputation and business development Global wise, currently they have a clear strategy in China, and looking for a China Commercial Manager to lead their business.about the team.You will directly report to the Emerging Market Director, and lead a team in the near future. This is an international team with a great diversi
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY300,000 - CNY800,000 per year
      • Shenzhen, Guangdong
      • Permanent
      • CNY800,000 - CNY1,500,000 per year
      about the company.外销头部品牌 about the team.成熟外销团队about the job.1、负责海外事业开拓,制定海外欧美为主的营销、销售目标策略2、制定to b、to c的销售渠道策略,定期对市场营销策略、销售目标和计划、业务开展按情况进行分析和及时优化3、擅长竞品调研和分析,及时优化品牌产品策略和销售策略4、负责把控整体区域市场客情关系,参与项目谈判、客户拜访,客情维系等活动;5、负责销售团队建设和培养管理。 skills and experience required.1、本科或以上学历,英文可以作为沟通语言;2、具有10年以上销售经验,超5年管理经验最佳,消费电子行业;3、有较强沟通、项目推进协调能力。
      about the company.外销头部品牌 about the team.成熟外销团队about the job.1、负责海外事业开拓,制定海外欧美为主的营销、销售目标策略2、制定to b、to c的销售渠道策略,定期对市场营销策略、销售目标和计划、业务开展按情况进行分析和及时优化3、擅长竞品调研和分析,及时优化品牌产品策略和销售策略4、负责把控整体区域市场客情关系,参与项目谈判、客户拜访,客情维系等活动;5、负责销售团队建设和培养管理。 skills and experience required.1、本科或以上学历,英文可以作为沟通语言;2、具有10年以上销售经验,超5年管理经验最佳,消费电子行业;3、有较强沟通、项目推进协调能力。
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY600,000 - CNY900,000 per year
      about the company.这是一家大型民营自动化设备公司,主要产品有工业机器人手臂,目前由于业务扩张,招聘优质候选人about the team.团队下属30人+,包含销售、售前、售后、自动化设计等about the job.制定部门的中长期发展战略,确保与公司整体战略目标一致;制定并执行销售策略,布局销售通路,以推动营收及市场份额的增长;领导销售团队,开发并维护关键客户关系,识别新的市场机会和客户需求,同时促进各分公司的销售团队完成销售指标;管理售前技术支持团队,为客户提供高质量的技术解决方案,促进成交;管理机电方案设计团队,确保方案具备创新性、实用性和可实施性;监督售后服务团队,确保及时响应客户需求,提高客户满意度,组织收集产品使用反馈,持续推进产品优化迭代,品质提升。定期分析业务绩效,识别改进机会,优化运营流程,关注行业趋势和竞争动态,提出创新建议;激励团队成员,建设人才梯队,营造积极向上的工作氛围,提升团队凝聚力和工作效率;skills and experience required.本科
      about the company.这是一家大型民营自动化设备公司,主要产品有工业机器人手臂,目前由于业务扩张,招聘优质候选人about the team.团队下属30人+,包含销售、售前、售后、自动化设计等about the job.制定部门的中长期发展战略,确保与公司整体战略目标一致;制定并执行销售策略,布局销售通路,以推动营收及市场份额的增长;领导销售团队,开发并维护关键客户关系,识别新的市场机会和客户需求,同时促进各分公司的销售团队完成销售指标;管理售前技术支持团队,为客户提供高质量的技术解决方案,促进成交;管理机电方案设计团队,确保方案具备创新性、实用性和可实施性;监督售后服务团队,确保及时响应客户需求,提高客户满意度,组织收集产品使用反馈,持续推进产品优化迭代,品质提升。定期分析业务绩效,识别改进机会,优化运营流程,关注行业趋势和竞争动态,提出创新建议;激励团队成员,建设人才梯队,营造积极向上的工作氛围,提升团队凝聚力和工作效率;skills and experience required.本科
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY250,000 - CNY400,000 per year
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product sales to Auto CV customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:Master's degree or aboveHave more than 1 yea
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product sales to Auto CV customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:Master's degree or aboveHave more than 1 yea
      • Hangzhou, Zhejiang
      • Permanent
      • CNY1,000,000 - CNY1,500,000 per year
      公司介绍:头部出行公司,专注于将前沿的互联网、车联网、自动驾驶技术和新能源科技综合应用于共享出行领域。 工作职责:制定和实施公司的品牌形象策略,确保品牌形象与公司战略相一致。监控市场趋势和竞争对手动态,及时调整品牌策略以保持品牌竞争力。领导并管理品牌团队,确保品牌活动的有效执行,包括广告、公关、社交媒体等。与产品、运营等部门紧密合作,确保品牌策略在产品和服务中得到体现。管理品牌预算,确保品牌活动的成本效益。组织并参与重要的品牌活动,如品牌发布会、重要展会等。定期评估品牌表现,提出改进建议并实施。 任职资格:拥有市场营销、品牌管理等相关专业的本科及以上学历。具有8年以上的品牌管理相关工作经验,其中有3年以上在出行或科技行业的品牌管理经验。对品牌建设有深入的理解和成功的案例,具备优秀的品牌策划和执行能力。具备较强的市场洞察力和分析能力,能够准确把握市场趋势和用户需求。具备优秀的领导力和团队管理能力,能够带领团队实现目标。良好的跨部门沟通和协调能力,能够在复杂的环境中保持清晰的思维和决策。熟悉数字营销和社交媒体营
      公司介绍:头部出行公司,专注于将前沿的互联网、车联网、自动驾驶技术和新能源科技综合应用于共享出行领域。 工作职责:制定和实施公司的品牌形象策略,确保品牌形象与公司战略相一致。监控市场趋势和竞争对手动态,及时调整品牌策略以保持品牌竞争力。领导并管理品牌团队,确保品牌活动的有效执行,包括广告、公关、社交媒体等。与产品、运营等部门紧密合作,确保品牌策略在产品和服务中得到体现。管理品牌预算,确保品牌活动的成本效益。组织并参与重要的品牌活动,如品牌发布会、重要展会等。定期评估品牌表现,提出改进建议并实施。 任职资格:拥有市场营销、品牌管理等相关专业的本科及以上学历。具有8年以上的品牌管理相关工作经验,其中有3年以上在出行或科技行业的品牌管理经验。对品牌建设有深入的理解和成功的案例,具备优秀的品牌策划和执行能力。具备较强的市场洞察力和分析能力,能够准确把握市场趋势和用户需求。具备优秀的领导力和团队管理能力,能够带领团队实现目标。良好的跨部门沟通和协调能力,能够在复杂的环境中保持清晰的思维和决策。熟悉数字营销和社交媒体营
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY456,000 - CNY504,000 per year
      about the company.For two decades, my client have been on a mission to share the nourishing benefits of food supplement with the world. Their journey began on a region celebrated for its fertile soil and temperate climate oversees. These natural advantages are crucial for cultivating the highest quality products, known for their rich nutritional profile. Their world-class production process ensures that the food extracted reaches to your table at its pures
      about the company.For two decades, my client have been on a mission to share the nourishing benefits of food supplement with the world. Their journey began on a region celebrated for its fertile soil and temperate climate oversees. These natural advantages are crucial for cultivating the highest quality products, known for their rich nutritional profile. Their world-class production process ensures that the food extracted reaches to your table at its pures
      • Suzhou, Jiangsu
      • Permanent
      • CNY400,000 - CNY450,000 per year
      about the company.European Machinery Manufacturing Companyabout the job.Proactively work with the MW (Municipal Water) China senior management and in accordance with the agreed company strategy to continuously develop the designated area making timely recommendations for improvements and highlighting growth opportunities.Proactivity work to develop a strong team of sales engineers in the designated area by clear leadership, continuous development and train
      about the company.European Machinery Manufacturing Companyabout the job.Proactively work with the MW (Municipal Water) China senior management and in accordance with the agreed company strategy to continuously develop the designated area making timely recommendations for improvements and highlighting growth opportunities.Proactivity work to develop a strong team of sales engineers in the designated area by clear leadership, continuous development and train
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY240,000 - CNY420,000 per year
      about the company.Reputed MNC focuses in food production industry, with decades of history. They are the key player in their space that occupies 30% of the market share.about the team.You will directly report to the China KA Head, and manage the Key Accounts. You will be based in Shanghai.about the job.Summary:  As the Sales Manager, Key Accounts, he/she is expected to spearhead the entry of the company's seasoning Solutions in the Key Food Producers in Ch
      about the company.Reputed MNC focuses in food production industry, with decades of history. They are the key player in their space that occupies 30% of the market share.about the team.You will directly report to the China KA Head, and manage the Key Accounts. You will be based in Shanghai.about the job.Summary:  As the Sales Manager, Key Accounts, he/she is expected to spearhead the entry of the company's seasoning Solutions in the Key Food Producers in Ch
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY300,000 - CNY450,000 per year
      about the company.My client is a multinational company and is part of human resource industry.  about the job.The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of working closely with high-level HR professionals, expanding into new markets, and acquiring domestic clients. This role requires excellent communication skills in English and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced, results-oriented environment.job responsibility- Develop and execute strategies t
      about the company.My client is a multinational company and is part of human resource industry.  about the job.The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of working closely with high-level HR professionals, expanding into new markets, and acquiring domestic clients. This role requires excellent communication skills in English and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced, results-oriented environment.job responsibility- Develop and execute strategies t
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY960,000 - CNY1,800,000 per year
      about the company.This is one of the world's well-known foreign multinational companies, has born and blended for a long history. They are known for its high-quality product and warm hospitality. It has grown into one of the largest chains in the world. They prides itself on its commitment to ethically sourcing their product ingredients and providing da welcoming environment for customers to enjoy their beverages. Currently, they are looking for a retail o
      about the company.This is one of the world's well-known foreign multinational companies, has born and blended for a long history. They are known for its high-quality product and warm hospitality. It has grown into one of the largest chains in the world. They prides itself on its commitment to ethically sourcing their product ingredients and providing da welcoming environment for customers to enjoy their beverages. Currently, they are looking for a retail o
      • Shanghai, Shanghai
      • Permanent
      • CNY300,000 - CNY500,000 per year
      about the company.Chinese listed company in the FMCG industry, with a history of more than 2 decades. Untill now, they have several manufacture plants and R&D centres. Their products are popular worldwide. Currently they are expanding their overseas team and looking for talents to join them together!about the team.You will directly report to the Senior VP. You can be based in Shanghai or European countries, priority is European Countries, UK, or any Europe
      about the company.Chinese listed company in the FMCG industry, with a history of more than 2 decades. Untill now, they have several manufacture plants and R&D centres. Their products are popular worldwide. Currently they are expanding their overseas team and looking for talents to join them together!about the team.You will directly report to the Senior VP. You can be based in Shanghai or European countries, priority is European Countries, UK, or any Europe
      • Dalian, Liaoning
      • Permanent
      • CNY300,000 - CNY456,000 per year
      岗位职责:1. 推广和销售公司的相关软件解决方案,开发新客户,发掘新商机并组织和参与营销活动;2. 与售前团队紧密合作,参与招投标、报价以及商务谈判,协调内外部资源3. 维护新老客户资源 任职要求:1. 有计算机或者市场营销类相关专业本科及以上学历2. IT咨询类企业信息系统销售经验(非标品),了解主流解决方案特点和用户案例3. 了解软件定制化开发特点,有一定软件定制化开发相关销售经验4. 英语能用作工作语言,有日语能力为加分项
      岗位职责:1. 推广和销售公司的相关软件解决方案,开发新客户,发掘新商机并组织和参与营销活动;2. 与售前团队紧密合作,参与招投标、报价以及商务谈判,协调内外部资源3. 维护新老客户资源 任职要求:1. 有计算机或者市场营销类相关专业本科及以上学历2. IT咨询类企业信息系统销售经验(非标品),了解主流解决方案特点和用户案例3. 了解软件定制化开发特点,有一定软件定制化开发相关销售经验4. 英语能用作工作语言,有日语能力为加分项

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