about the company.You are looking at a foreign listed company. They are one of the reputed food ingredients and agriculture companies.They are in the midst of upgrading their business to the next step and welcome talents from the market.about the team.This is an international team with a harmony working atmosphere. You can expect a work and life balance.about the job.Conduct research and analyze market trends to identify potential trading opportunitiesCrea
about the company.You are looking at a foreign listed company. They are one of the reputed food ingredients and agriculture companies.They are in the midst of upgrading their business to the next step and welcome talents from the market.about the team.This is an international team with a harmony working atmosphere. You can expect a work and life balance.about the job.Conduct research and analyze market trends to identify potential trading opportunitiesCrea
about the company.大型民营电气设备公司about the job.市场开拓与业务管理:负责所在区域的市场开拓、客户开发、关系维护及业务管理工作,确保市场覆盖率和业务增长,制定并执行区域市场销售策略,达成公司设定的销售目标。销售渠道管理:管理和维护区域内各销售渠道,包括代理商、分销商等,确保渠道畅通和高效运作,开拓新市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售范围。销售团队建设与管理:建立和管理销售队伍,包括招聘、培训、激励和评估销售人员,带领团队开展营销活动,确保项目达成目标,提升团队整体销售能力。市场分析与策略制定:定期进行市场调研,收集并分析市场信息、竞争对手动态及客户需求,为公司决策提供依据,根据市场情况制定和调整销售策略、营销方案及市场活动计划。销售预算与预测:组织编制销售预算和销售预测报告,监控销售进度,确保销售计划的顺利执行,分析销售数据,评估销售业绩,提出合理化建议和改进措施。客户关系管理:维护客户关系,定期拜访客户,了解客户需求,提供个性化解决方案重大项目与合同管理:负责重大项目的营销管
about the company.大型民营电气设备公司about the job.市场开拓与业务管理:负责所在区域的市场开拓、客户开发、关系维护及业务管理工作,确保市场覆盖率和业务增长,制定并执行区域市场销售策略,达成公司设定的销售目标。销售渠道管理:管理和维护区域内各销售渠道,包括代理商、分销商等,确保渠道畅通和高效运作,开拓新市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售范围。销售团队建设与管理:建立和管理销售队伍,包括招聘、培训、激励和评估销售人员,带领团队开展营销活动,确保项目达成目标,提升团队整体销售能力。市场分析与策略制定:定期进行市场调研,收集并分析市场信息、竞争对手动态及客户需求,为公司决策提供依据,根据市场情况制定和调整销售策略、营销方案及市场活动计划。销售预算与预测:组织编制销售预算和销售预测报告,监控销售进度,确保销售计划的顺利执行,分析销售数据,评估销售业绩,提出合理化建议和改进措施。客户关系管理:维护客户关系,定期拜访客户,了解客户需求,提供个性化解决方案重大项目与合同管理:负责重大项目的营销管
about the company.大型上市民企机械设备制造商about the job.结合年度经营规划以及市场行情,分解年度销售目标及制定市场策略;根据公司发展计划及市场,调整销售报价和策略;维护现有交易客户资源,与客户建立和保持长期良好的合作关系;负责指导开拓市场的渠道和目标客户的开发,完成团队的销售任务和目标;监控货款管理,消除坏账,完成货款指标;人才梯队搭建和培养,提高下属的业务能力和客户管理水平;制定人才激励方案,平衡内部业绩指标和任务分配。skills and experience required.本科以上学历,新能源方向的销售或技术经验优先;三年以上系统性销售团队管理经验,非标自动化、粉体设备行业经验优先;具备优秀的组织能力、沟通能力、规划能力;善于学习总结,性格开朗,诚实可靠,团队协作良好。
about the company.大型上市民企机械设备制造商about the job.结合年度经营规划以及市场行情,分解年度销售目标及制定市场策略;根据公司发展计划及市场,调整销售报价和策略;维护现有交易客户资源,与客户建立和保持长期良好的合作关系;负责指导开拓市场的渠道和目标客户的开发,完成团队的销售任务和目标;监控货款管理,消除坏账,完成货款指标;人才梯队搭建和培养,提高下属的业务能力和客户管理水平;制定人才激励方案,平衡内部业绩指标和任务分配。skills and experience required.本科以上学历,新能源方向的销售或技术经验优先;三年以上系统性销售团队管理经验,非标自动化、粉体设备行业经验优先;具备优秀的组织能力、沟通能力、规划能力;善于学习总结,性格开朗,诚实可靠,团队协作良好。
about the company.A foreign company focused on laboratory testing, inspection, and services.about the team.you will lead over 8 BU and a total of over 4000 people and report to CEOabout the job.Develop and implement operational strategies in alignment with the company's overall business goals.Monitor and adjust strategies to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of all business units.Oversee the operations of 8+ business units, ensuring they work in
about the company.A foreign company focused on laboratory testing, inspection, and services.about the team.you will lead over 8 BU and a total of over 4000 people and report to CEOabout the job.Develop and implement operational strategies in alignment with the company's overall business goals.Monitor and adjust strategies to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of all business units.Oversee the operations of 8+ business units, ensuring they work in
职责描述:1、紧密关注市场及行业发展动态,基于公司战略定位和战略方向,制定销售策略。2、挖掘潜在市场,分析市场竞争格局和现状,进行潜在客户分析,挖掘客户需求,建立粘性客户关系,制定并实施销售方案。3、开拓新客户,维护和拓展现有客户关系和业务,开发并建立长期战略合作伙伴关系。4、负责客户报价、议价及合同签署工作。 任职资格:1、年龄在30-48岁之间。 2、本科及以上学历,汽车工程、机械工程、电子工程或相关专业背景。3、具有5年以上汽车行业主机市场独立开拓及客户开发销售经验,熟悉传感器在传统燃油车动力系统和尾处理系统、及在新能源等行业的应用。4、具备良好的销售技巧和谈判能力,能够与客户建立信任关系并达成合作。5、熟悉主机厂及关键部件配套业务开拓流程,熟悉IATF16949质量管理体系。6、具有汽车及新能源行业大客户资源。
职责描述:1、紧密关注市场及行业发展动态,基于公司战略定位和战略方向,制定销售策略。2、挖掘潜在市场,分析市场竞争格局和现状,进行潜在客户分析,挖掘客户需求,建立粘性客户关系,制定并实施销售方案。3、开拓新客户,维护和拓展现有客户关系和业务,开发并建立长期战略合作伙伴关系。4、负责客户报价、议价及合同签署工作。 任职资格:1、年龄在30-48岁之间。 2、本科及以上学历,汽车工程、机械工程、电子工程或相关专业背景。3、具有5年以上汽车行业主机市场独立开拓及客户开发销售经验,熟悉传感器在传统燃油车动力系统和尾处理系统、及在新能源等行业的应用。4、具备良好的销售技巧和谈判能力,能够与客户建立信任关系并达成合作。5、熟悉主机厂及关键部件配套业务开拓流程,熟悉IATF16949质量管理体系。6、具有汽车及新能源行业大客户资源。
公司介绍:英国一家制造和销售汽车或其他机动车辆的轮胎与其他橡胶产品的公司,创立于1889年,为轮胎三大巨头之一。岗位职责:1. 根据市场状况、公司目标和客户需求,制定切实可行的零售渠道销售策略和拓展计划,促进C端销售。2. 包括但不限于分析零售门店客户、规划产品组合方案、线上线下推广引流活动、政策制定等。3. 熟悉渠道管理、分销策略和市场推广的相关知识,完成零售渠道运营等。岗位要求:1. 熟悉渠道管理、分销策略和市场推广的相关知识。2.优秀的沟通和谈判能力,能够与各类渠道合作伙伴建立良好的关系。3. 具备数据分析能力,能够利用数据制定和调整渠道策略。4. 熟悉各大媒体以及电商平台的运营逻辑。
公司介绍:英国一家制造和销售汽车或其他机动车辆的轮胎与其他橡胶产品的公司,创立于1889年,为轮胎三大巨头之一。岗位职责:1. 根据市场状况、公司目标和客户需求,制定切实可行的零售渠道销售策略和拓展计划,促进C端销售。2. 包括但不限于分析零售门店客户、规划产品组合方案、线上线下推广引流活动、政策制定等。3. 熟悉渠道管理、分销策略和市场推广的相关知识,完成零售渠道运营等。岗位要求:1. 熟悉渠道管理、分销策略和市场推广的相关知识。2.优秀的沟通和谈判能力,能够与各类渠道合作伙伴建立良好的关系。3. 具备数据分析能力,能够利用数据制定和调整渠道策略。4. 熟悉各大媒体以及电商平台的运营逻辑。
岗位职责:1. 负责全球性和区域性头部广告平台及DSP的拓展和销售2. 针对不同区域的生态,制定渠道开拓策略,提升重点区域收入3.支持重点合作伙伴的联合营销,定制广告方案,打造成功案例等4. 与广告产品团队紧密配合,积极反馈客户需求,提升公司广告平台竞争力 任职要求:1. 8-10年(或以上)出海市场数字/程序化广告销售背景,有海外大媒体经验为佳;2. 对于海外广告/DSP生态有深刻理解 ,有从业或服务游戏/App行业经验为佳;3. 英语精通 (可作为商务工作语言),海外本科/硕士为佳;4. 具有开创性思维,主观能动性强,善于沟通,学习能力强
岗位职责:1. 负责全球性和区域性头部广告平台及DSP的拓展和销售2. 针对不同区域的生态,制定渠道开拓策略,提升重点区域收入3.支持重点合作伙伴的联合营销,定制广告方案,打造成功案例等4. 与广告产品团队紧密配合,积极反馈客户需求,提升公司广告平台竞争力 任职要求:1. 8-10年(或以上)出海市场数字/程序化广告销售背景,有海外大媒体经验为佳;2. 对于海外广告/DSP生态有深刻理解 ,有从业或服务游戏/App行业经验为佳;3. 英语精通 (可作为商务工作语言),海外本科/硕士为佳;4. 具有开创性思维,主观能动性强,善于沟通,学习能力强
Key Responsibilities:- Lead the expansion and development of key brand and E-commerce clients, advertising agencies and media platforms across the APAC region.- Build and manage the local sales team and sales process from scratch, creating a strong foundation for long-term success.- Develop client acquisition strategies and marketing solutions tailored to various industries, establishing best-in-class case studies.- Represent the company at domestic and
Key Responsibilities:- Lead the expansion and development of key brand and E-commerce clients, advertising agencies and media platforms across the APAC region.- Build and manage the local sales team and sales process from scratch, creating a strong foundation for long-term success.- Develop client acquisition strategies and marketing solutions tailored to various industries, establishing best-in-class case studies.- Represent the company at domestic and
Company Introduction:Well-known European and American auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product BD to Auto Tiers&OEM customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:College degree or aboveHave more than 10
Company Introduction:Well-known European and American auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product BD to Auto Tiers&OEM customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:College degree or aboveHave more than 10
about the company.产研销一体化快消品 about the team.成熟内部电商团队 about the job.1.负责制定品牌在线上电商直播渠道的运营和营销策略,确保实现销售目标;2.负责制定品牌内容营销和投放方案,提高品牌在各平台上的曝光度和美誉度,推动新品推广销售,提高流转率;3.负责线上直播运营业务统筹管理;4. 负责达播商务合作规划和管理。skills and experience required.1.操盘过亿级直播项目经验,有抖系直播经验;2.具备优秀数据分析,目标制定和拆解,落地能力;3.优秀团队管理能力。
about the company.产研销一体化快消品 about the team.成熟内部电商团队 about the job.1.负责制定品牌在线上电商直播渠道的运营和营销策略,确保实现销售目标;2.负责制定品牌内容营销和投放方案,提高品牌在各平台上的曝光度和美誉度,推动新品推广销售,提高流转率;3.负责线上直播运营业务统筹管理;4. 负责达播商务合作规划和管理。skills and experience required.1.操盘过亿级直播项目经验,有抖系直播经验;2.具备优秀数据分析,目标制定和拆解,落地能力;3.优秀团队管理能力。
About the jobThis role will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company's sales and operations within the industrial sector. This role requires a strategic thinker with a proven track record of managing complex business lines and driving results in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.Key responsibilitiesStrategic Leadership:- Develop and execute strategic plans to achieve sales and operational objectives.- Analyze market trends and customer need
About the jobThis role will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company's sales and operations within the industrial sector. This role requires a strategic thinker with a proven track record of managing complex business lines and driving results in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.Key responsibilitiesStrategic Leadership:- Develop and execute strategic plans to achieve sales and operational objectives.- Analyze market trends and customer need
about the company.This is a foreign-owned manufacturing company in the light industry.about the team.Report to GM, lead PMO teamabout the job.Decode sales and production strategies for the organizationConduct comprehensive business diagnostics and assessmentsDevelop strategic recommendations to optimize operations and drive growthLead the Project Management Office (PMO) team to execute strategic initiativesCollaborate cross-functionally with sales, product
about the company.This is a foreign-owned manufacturing company in the light industry.about the team.Report to GM, lead PMO teamabout the job.Decode sales and production strategies for the organizationConduct comprehensive business diagnostics and assessmentsDevelop strategic recommendations to optimize operations and drive growthLead the Project Management Office (PMO) team to execute strategic initiativesCollaborate cross-functionally with sales, product
about the company.Renowned European equipment manufacturing companyabout the job.Provide technical support to sales units before orders enter factory.Provide technical support to service/spare parts inquiries and site support.Provide technical support to other functions within factorySupport technical inquiries/questions of sales before/during project bidding period Support of service/spare part inquiries Be responsible of technical documents management fo
about the company.Renowned European equipment manufacturing companyabout the job.Provide technical support to sales units before orders enter factory.Provide technical support to service/spare parts inquiries and site support.Provide technical support to other functions within factorySupport technical inquiries/questions of sales before/during project bidding period Support of service/spare part inquiries Be responsible of technical documents management fo
about the company.Austrian wholly-owned new material companyabout the job.Maintain and further develop Key Account customer base assigned to him / her, including frequent visits, accompany projects, knowing all functions in customer's organization, etc.Learn about how exactly each customer works and how we can help them best=>Create value for customersBe responsible for the business in assigned area: Part of Jiangsu province, Anhui, Henan,Shandong province
about the company.Austrian wholly-owned new material companyabout the job.Maintain and further develop Key Account customer base assigned to him / her, including frequent visits, accompany projects, knowing all functions in customer's organization, etc.Learn about how exactly each customer works and how we can help them best=>Create value for customersBe responsible for the business in assigned area: Part of Jiangsu province, Anhui, Henan,Shandong province
关于公司。餐厅坐落于上海市中心的欧式独立洋房中,餐厅作为该集团在国内的高端西式融合餐厅,在将国际营养学理念引入的同时,不断探索健康食材的创意做法,致力于为食客们呈现一场精致的味觉盛宴。 关于团队。这个岗位会直接管理整个餐厅的人员和运营,直接汇报给集团分部总经理。 岗位职责:负责确定餐厅的营业政策,组织制定、复盘调整餐厅的短期工作计划和长期发展计划。掌握市场行情,财务分析及预算和成本管理,完成制定业绩指标。负责门店员工的任用及管理工作,定期对员工进行绩效评估和人才盘点。负责门店人才培养工作的组织和实施,定期组织培训,提高员工素质,服务意识。负责处理顾客投诉,维护客户关系,提高客户满意度。负责组织门店新品研发,制定调整的产品价格,并组织实施各项销售活动。负责门店安全和饮食卫生工作,组织培训及监督检查工作,彻底杜绝安全隐患。其他领导安排的工作。 任职要求:本科及以上学历,热爱餐饮行业,有较强的服务意识,管理类、市场营销类专业;掌握先进的营销方法,对市场战略规划、市场开拓、市场管理、终端维护及品牌建设方面有深入研究
关于公司。餐厅坐落于上海市中心的欧式独立洋房中,餐厅作为该集团在国内的高端西式融合餐厅,在将国际营养学理念引入的同时,不断探索健康食材的创意做法,致力于为食客们呈现一场精致的味觉盛宴。 关于团队。这个岗位会直接管理整个餐厅的人员和运营,直接汇报给集团分部总经理。 岗位职责:负责确定餐厅的营业政策,组织制定、复盘调整餐厅的短期工作计划和长期发展计划。掌握市场行情,财务分析及预算和成本管理,完成制定业绩指标。负责门店员工的任用及管理工作,定期对员工进行绩效评估和人才盘点。负责门店人才培养工作的组织和实施,定期组织培训,提高员工素质,服务意识。负责处理顾客投诉,维护客户关系,提高客户满意度。负责组织门店新品研发,制定调整的产品价格,并组织实施各项销售活动。负责门店安全和饮食卫生工作,组织培训及监督检查工作,彻底杜绝安全隐患。其他领导安排的工作。 任职要求:本科及以上学历,热爱餐饮行业,有较强的服务意识,管理类、市场营销类专业;掌握先进的营销方法,对市场战略规划、市场开拓、市场管理、终端维护及品牌建设方面有深入研究
about the company.这是一家大型仪器仪表公司,产品主要应用于油气行业about the team.下属2人,汇报大区经理about the job.负责公司仪器仪表产品在石油石化行业的销售及市场拓展。建立和维护与客户的良好关系,了解客户需求,提供专业的解决方案。开发新客户,拓展市场,完成销售目标。收集市场信息,分析竞争对手,制定相应的销售策略。参与行业展会和客户会议,提升公司品牌形象。与技术团队协作,确保客户需求得到及时响应和满足。skills and experience required.本科及以上学历,机械、电子、自动化等相关专业优先。5年以上石油石化行业销售经验,具备一定的客户资源。熟悉油气行业的市场动态和技术趋势,具备良好的行业洞察力。优秀的沟通能力和谈判技巧,能够独立开展销售工作。具备团队合作精神,能够承受一定的工作压力。具备良好的英语听说读写能力者优先。
about the company.这是一家大型仪器仪表公司,产品主要应用于油气行业about the team.下属2人,汇报大区经理about the job.负责公司仪器仪表产品在石油石化行业的销售及市场拓展。建立和维护与客户的良好关系,了解客户需求,提供专业的解决方案。开发新客户,拓展市场,完成销售目标。收集市场信息,分析竞争对手,制定相应的销售策略。参与行业展会和客户会议,提升公司品牌形象。与技术团队协作,确保客户需求得到及时响应和满足。skills and experience required.本科及以上学历,机械、电子、自动化等相关专业优先。5年以上石油石化行业销售经验,具备一定的客户资源。熟悉油气行业的市场动态和技术趋势,具备良好的行业洞察力。优秀的沟通能力和谈判技巧,能够独立开展销售工作。具备团队合作精神,能够承受一定的工作压力。具备良好的英语听说读写能力者优先。
about the company.Our distinguished organization, with its headquarters in a prominent international location, specializes in pioneering solutions within the realm of chemical and plastic products. With a storied legacy of innovation and a robust global presence, we are in search of an accomplished Key Account Sales Manager to join our esteemed team.about the team.New open, report to Sales Directorabout the job.Develop and execute strategic plans to establ
about the company.Our distinguished organization, with its headquarters in a prominent international location, specializes in pioneering solutions within the realm of chemical and plastic products. With a storied legacy of innovation and a robust global presence, we are in search of an accomplished Key Account Sales Manager to join our esteemed team.about the team.New open, report to Sales Directorabout the job.Develop and execute strategic plans to establ
about the company.Austrian wholly-owned new material companyabout the job.Maintain and further develop Key Account customer base assigned to him / her, including frequent visits, accompany projects, knowing all functions in customer's organization, etc.Learn about how exactly each customer works and how we can help them best=>Create value for customersBe responsible for the business in assigned area: Part of Jiangsu province, Anhui, Henan,Shandong province
about the company.Austrian wholly-owned new material companyabout the job.Maintain and further develop Key Account customer base assigned to him / her, including frequent visits, accompany projects, knowing all functions in customer's organization, etc.Learn about how exactly each customer works and how we can help them best=>Create value for customersBe responsible for the business in assigned area: Part of Jiangsu province, Anhui, Henan,Shandong province
Position Overview:The Chief Operating Officer (COO) is a key executive role responsible for overseeing the company's business functions (supporting functions will not be included). This position requires a strategic leader with a strong background in both sales and operations management (more for sales), who can drive business integration and optimize standard operating procedures (SOPs). The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of managing a b
Position Overview:The Chief Operating Officer (COO) is a key executive role responsible for overseeing the company's business functions (supporting functions will not be included). This position requires a strategic leader with a strong background in both sales and operations management (more for sales), who can drive business integration and optimize standard operating procedures (SOPs). The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of managing a b
工作内容:1.负责新能源市场的开发,模具销售及客户维护、跟进等2.负责锂电相关行业的开发工作3.负责涂布机 模头机设备的销售工作4.有相关客户资源工作要求:1、中专及以上学历2、良好的沟通能力和客户服务意识,问题解决和团队合作能力3、积极性高
工作内容:1.负责新能源市场的开发,模具销售及客户维护、跟进等2.负责锂电相关行业的开发工作3.负责涂布机 模头机设备的销售工作4.有相关客户资源工作要求:1、中专及以上学历2、良好的沟通能力和客户服务意识,问题解决和团队合作能力3、积极性高
about the company.A multinational foreign company, has thousands of colleagues worldwide. They have entered China market and manufactured here for many years. Currently, they have invested into a new product line and been looking for an entrepreneurial sales director to build up this division!about the team.You will be an integral part of the multinational commercial export team. You will directly report to the CEO and cooperate strongly with marketing, ma
about the company.A multinational foreign company, has thousands of colleagues worldwide. They have entered China market and manufactured here for many years. Currently, they have invested into a new product line and been looking for an entrepreneurial sales director to build up this division!about the team.You will be an integral part of the multinational commercial export team. You will directly report to the CEO and cooperate strongly with marketing, ma
about the company.大型民营电气设备公司about the job.市场开拓与业务管理:负责所在区域的市场开拓、客户开发、关系维护及业务管理工作,确保市场覆盖率和业务增长,制定并执行区域市场销售策略,达成公司设定的销售目标。销售渠道管理:管理和维护区域内各销售渠道,包括代理商、分销商等,确保渠道畅通和高效运作,开拓新市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售范围。销售团队建设与管理:建立和管理销售队伍,包括招聘、培训、激励和评估销售人员,带领团队开展营销活动,确保项目达成目标,提升团队整体销售能力。市场分析与策略制定:定期进行市场调研,收集并分析市场信息、竞争对手动态及客户需求,为公司决策提供依据,根据市场情况制定和调整销售策略、营销方案及市场活动计划。销售预算与预测:组织编制销售预算和销售预测报告,监控销售进度,确保销售计划的顺利执行,分析销售数据,评估销售业绩,提出合理化建议和改进措施。客户关系管理:维护客户关系,定期拜访客户,了解客户需求,提供个性化解决方案重大项目与合同管理:负责重大项目的营销管
about the company.大型民营电气设备公司about the job.市场开拓与业务管理:负责所在区域的市场开拓、客户开发、关系维护及业务管理工作,确保市场覆盖率和业务增长,制定并执行区域市场销售策略,达成公司设定的销售目标。销售渠道管理:管理和维护区域内各销售渠道,包括代理商、分销商等,确保渠道畅通和高效运作,开拓新市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售范围。销售团队建设与管理:建立和管理销售队伍,包括招聘、培训、激励和评估销售人员,带领团队开展营销活动,确保项目达成目标,提升团队整体销售能力。市场分析与策略制定:定期进行市场调研,收集并分析市场信息、竞争对手动态及客户需求,为公司决策提供依据,根据市场情况制定和调整销售策略、营销方案及市场活动计划。销售预算与预测:组织编制销售预算和销售预测报告,监控销售进度,确保销售计划的顺利执行,分析销售数据,评估销售业绩,提出合理化建议和改进措施。客户关系管理:维护客户关系,定期拜访客户,了解客户需求,提供个性化解决方案重大项目与合同管理:负责重大项目的营销管
about the company.This is a foreign-owned company with a plant in Wuxi, whose core product is valves.about the team.Report to sales director, sub 3about the job.Develop and implement sales strategies to achieve revenue targets and expand market share in the oil and gas sector.Identify and pursue new business opportunities while maintaining and strengthening relationships with existing clients.Lead, mentor, and motivate the sales team to achieve individual
about the company.This is a foreign-owned company with a plant in Wuxi, whose core product is valves.about the team.Report to sales director, sub 3about the job.Develop and implement sales strategies to achieve revenue targets and expand market share in the oil and gas sector.Identify and pursue new business opportunities while maintaining and strengthening relationships with existing clients.Lead, mentor, and motivate the sales team to achieve individual
About CompanyThis is a foreign-owned enterprise, and the core product is plastic, has a plant in Suzhou.About TeamReplacement role, report to China Sales DirectorAbout PositionDevelop sales strategies and plans to achieve sales targets and performance indicatorsResponsible for acquiring new customers, maintaining and expanding relationships with existing customersConduct market research and competitor analysis, provide market feedback and recommendationsCo
About CompanyThis is a foreign-owned enterprise, and the core product is plastic, has a plant in Suzhou.About TeamReplacement role, report to China Sales DirectorAbout PositionDevelop sales strategies and plans to achieve sales targets and performance indicatorsResponsible for acquiring new customers, maintaining and expanding relationships with existing customersConduct market research and competitor analysis, provide market feedback and recommendationsCo
about the company.This is a foreign-funded filter materials company.about the team.Global team, report to global BD directorsummary:Lead global opportunity development for new products into new markets, focusing on microfiltration opportunities with bioprocess and biopharma value chains. Create revenue and customer engagements by deeply understanding products, customers, markets, and competition. Work with sales and product management to build and delive
about the company.This is a foreign-funded filter materials company.about the team.Global team, report to global BD directorsummary:Lead global opportunity development for new products into new markets, focusing on microfiltration opportunities with bioprocess and biopharma value chains. Create revenue and customer engagements by deeply understanding products, customers, markets, and competition. Work with sales and product management to build and delive
about the company.German rail transit industry equipment companyabout the job.Business analysis and business development, including marketing activities to promote MS products and solutions;Sales responsible, including sales forecast, sales plan, offering, bidding, contract negotiating and signing, sales channels (direct and distributors ) development and management;Project/business management, including project/business planning, sales order management, O
about the company.German rail transit industry equipment companyabout the job.Business analysis and business development, including marketing activities to promote MS products and solutions;Sales responsible, including sales forecast, sales plan, offering, bidding, contract negotiating and signing, sales channels (direct and distributors ) development and management;Project/business management, including project/business planning, sales order management, O
about the company.大型上市民企机械设备制造商about the job.根据年度销售目标,合理分配计划,拟定销售工程师完成计划的具体措施并组织实施;维护现有客户关系,定期拜访重点客户,督导、检查销售工程师拜访客户的量和质;负责开拓市场的渠道和目标客户的开发,带领成员完成销售任务和目标;检查、督导销售工程师执行客户管理及按期拜访客户日志等日常工作;监控货款管理,消除坏账,完成货款指标;协助经理做好人才培养计划,提高下属的业务能力和客户管理水平。skills and experience required.本科学历,5年销售从业经验,1年以上同岗位经验;挤塑机行业失重喂料机的设备销售经验优先;具备优秀的组织能力、沟通能力、规划能力;善于学习总结,性格开朗,诚实可靠,团队协作良好。
about the company.大型上市民企机械设备制造商about the job.根据年度销售目标,合理分配计划,拟定销售工程师完成计划的具体措施并组织实施;维护现有客户关系,定期拜访重点客户,督导、检查销售工程师拜访客户的量和质;负责开拓市场的渠道和目标客户的开发,带领成员完成销售任务和目标;检查、督导销售工程师执行客户管理及按期拜访客户日志等日常工作;监控货款管理,消除坏账,完成货款指标;协助经理做好人才培养计划,提高下属的业务能力和客户管理水平。skills and experience required.本科学历,5年销售从业经验,1年以上同岗位经验;挤塑机行业失重喂料机的设备销售经验优先;具备优秀的组织能力、沟通能力、规划能力;善于学习总结,性格开朗,诚实可靠,团队协作良好。